Let the Truth Talk
Let the Truth Talk
Truth #7 - Someone incapacitated by alcohol or drugs cannot give consent
Thanks for checking out the second season of Let the Truth Talk. When dismantling the myths around sexual violence, the facts should always come first. This season your hosts Tara and Tandia will be talking about some common misconceptions around sexual violence in our society. These misconceptions can prevent victims from speaking out, seeking help and holding perpetrators responsible for the assault. Getting the facts and dismantling these myths are an important step in ending sexual violence, and finding ways to best support survivors of sexual violence.
Truth #7 - Someone incapacitated by alcohol or drugs cannot give consent
The Harmony Project’s diverse stakeholders through expertise and experience are working together to end sexualized violence in the Bow Valley. The Harmony Project is funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services on behalf of the Government of Alberta.
Please let us know what you think of this episode in the comments and what you’d like to be featured in future seasons! remember to like and subscribe to be notified of future episodes, and If you like what we’re doing please share our podcast. You can find us at www.harmonyproject.ca or send us an email at YPS@ywcabanff.ca.
Thanks for tuning in!
Works Cited
Fact Sheet- Sexual Assault and Harassment. Canadian Women’s Foundation. August 2016.
For more information please check out harmonyproject.ca